Visiting Bikram Certified Teachers
Our policy has always been to allow any actively Certified and Re-certified Bikram’s Teacher to be able to take classes for free at any Bikram Yoga school in Japan.
To take class for free, we are requiring proof of valid and updated Certification. We ask that you bring original or copy, a wallet-sized reduction copy of your most recent (within the last 3 years) Bikram Yoga Teaching Certification or Re-Certification card, and show it with a valid picture ID at our reception desk when you come for a Yoga Class at any Bikram Yoga studio in Japan, otherwise you will be asked to pay the regular drop-in fee according to each schools class fee. A scanned copy on iPhone or other device will also work. Towels are available to rent. Water is available for sale.
過去3年以内の有効であるビクラムヨガティチャートレーニングの卒業証明書の原本(コピー・縮小コピー可)、 もしくは有効である最新の資格更新証(Re-Certification card)、さらに写真付き身分証明書の両方を各スタジオのフロントに提示する必要があります。卒業証明書や資格更新証は、スマートフォンや他のデバイスでスキャン、もしくはコピーしたものでも可。